A Special Clearing of Halloween’s Malevolent Energies

Personally, I do not participate in Halloween. Never did when I was a Christian and still do not do it even after leaving religion behind me. And please notice that I didn’t say God; I said religion is what I left behind, but I kept God only.

The reason I still don’t participate in this event in any way shape or form is because I know it to be filled with negative energies that I want to be no part of. I want to surround myself with positive energies and Halloween is not one of them.

There is nothing to celebrate about Halloween. To start, the candy part is nothing but poison, as sugar is, to cause you and your children to be hyperactive and prone to diabetes. Therefore, I suggest a complete disentanglement from this very negative event.

I also want to share a clearing technique that I learned from shaman and author Robert Shapiro.

“For those of you out there who feel a little bit overwhelmed by Halloween and some of the energies that circulate around that holiday time I’d like to suggest a clearing. I have put types of clearing up here before but this one’s a little different.

“It is something that you can do that engages with the sky and with the moon. It’s not exactly a true magic but it’s a form of purification that can be done quickly if needed. I do recommend that it is done however during the daytime ideally when it’s clear and the sun is out but if it’s cloudy and even rainy you can do it but please do it during the day for the best effect.

“I recommend you go out and stand on the land someplace, not on pavement, and preferably without rubber soled shoes or plastic soled shoes. You can use leather soled shoes if you like. Then standing on the land look up towards where the sun would be but close your eyes alright, and glance in that direction. If it’s very cloudy you can glance in the direction with your eyes partly open if you choose.

“Then close your eyes and look down at the ground and picture the moon, even though the moon would not likely be out you can picture it in your imagination, and then while imagining the moon take a deep breath and blow firmly towards the ground where you are picturing the moon.

“Make sure that when you blow you miss your feet and that your breath is not aimed towards anything but the ground and definitely not towards other people or animals. This is only to be done in this fashion if you are able to imagine the moon in your mind’s eye.

“If you are unable to imagine the moon, as some people have a hard time picturing, then you can blow firmly towards the sun with your eyes closed.

“This will help to clear some of those energies that are uncomfortable that may be associated with excesses or disagreeable energies from Halloween. Goodlife.”

~ Robert Shapiro

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