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Studies in Positivity, Spirituality and Extraterrestrials.
Public & Subscriber-only studies
The goal of this website is to provide studies on spirituality, positivity and extraterrestrials in order to assist those who are Fans of New Earth in preparing for her transition.

Earth is in transition from 3rd to 4th dimension. In this process great changes will occur, both on a personal level and on a collective level. In the 4th dimension, telepathy, for example, as well as other innate abilities forgotten by humanity, is the norm and therefore dishonesty is not possible. Furthermore, empathy for one another is another norm, and as such, selfishness does not exist in such a place, nor cheating, competition, aggression, and many other qualities abundant in the 3rd dimension are possible in the 4th. Unless one feels comfortable in a paradigm where their thoughts can be read by everyone, this person will not be able to survive in such a dimension. So it is important to be prepared, but, above all, willing, to move to that dimension, where the manifestations of thoughts are also almost instantaneous. Someone who thinks predominantly negatively cannot dwell in such a paradigm, otherwise it would instantly bring about its destruction. The purpose of this website is to help prepare for this paradigm transition process; that is, if it is the individual’s desire, for even as described in the codified Bible, “Strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to the [better] life and few find that road!” (Matthew 7:14)
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