Agharta: Myth or Reality?


[Regarding your assertion about the Earth not being hollow] Then, in that case, everything past civilizations asserted about Agharta is false; the expeditions that the Americans made to the interior of the Earth are false…

The reason why it is forbidden to fly over the poles is illogical because there are no polar entrances…

The polar entrances that are clearly visible from space are false…

The wave of “aliens” that appeared on Earth after the detonation of the atomic bombs over Japan in 1945 is not enough proof that the interior of the Earth is inhabited and that this civilization monitors civilization and events from the outside…

The numerous contacts with Heads of State and the military to warn against the danger of atomic detonations were carried out by whom? By aliens who live in stars 4, 10, 12, 20 or 40 light years away or by aliens who inhabit the interior of planet Earth and who are concerned about their Home?

Whose imposition was nuclear disarmament? From distant aliens (who are resting on their planets several light years away from Earth) or from aliens who live 1300 km under our feet and who would suffer directly from the destruction of planet Earth?

Weren’t the countless “gods” of antiquity intraterrestrial? … What is the interest of distant extraterrestrials in guiding and civilizing terrestrial humanity.

Wasn’t the God of Abraham intraterrestrial?… What was the interest of the Biblical God (if he came from a distant star) in pacifying the peoples of the Earth and in giving them a universal objective?

This civilization from the interior of the Planet has always been very attentive to barbarities, very active and operative.

However, this civilization (like any superior civilization) does not interfere with the karma of the people…

These civilizations guide, direct, but do not interfere directly, unless as a last resort, as happened in the past with the Jewish people and very recently with the Iranian missile (which was deactivated after launch.

If the civilization of Agharta publicly showed itself and directly prevented the blunders of man, it would provoke a social and political cleavage (and directly interfere with human karma) that would never be useful for the development and soulful growth of terrestrial humanity.

That’s why the intraterrestrials always preferred (despite the serious problems that this created) to be considered “gods” and guide humanity as “gods”…

The information you receive is manipulated by those who want the secret of Agharta to remain…

Pierre Dubois


Dear Pierre,

By the suppositions, you are in favor of the Earth being inhabited in its interior. I do not blame you, because after so much discrepancy and so much indiscriminate and uncontrolled information, for so long, it could only lead a human being, inhabitant of the earth’s crust, like you and me, to be somewhat displaced with reference to the veracity or otherwise of this possibility.

You ought to understand that much information from the ancients was always based on empirical information, that is, non-scientific, from father to son, from shamans to other shamans, from powerful sensitives, who often saw the field of parallel energies, the spiritual field and, of course, that in this field everything can exist and in this field I believe. Because the worlds parallel to Earth are inhabited, yes, by great civilizations that were and still are apprehensive about the directions that living human beings want to give to life on the surface.

Whenever they could and when they can, they send messages to other sensitives, like me for example, admonishing and at the same time preventing us from the uncertain future that our planet and the life on it may have. Therefore, believing in all that I believe and that my Contacts have led me to know, I would not have the nerve to say that all this is false; it may not be false, but it is not real! It depends on what you and your friends want to believe.

But if the Earth is hollow, where is the magma that says the Earth’s core is incandescent? Ah, I know, it is kept in some great furnace of those civilizations… lol! I only suggest that you use rationality, let’s leave beliefs aside. OK?

I don’t believe the Earth is hollow or that it contains magma, it just contains solidified earth, the same solidification that oil companies face when they start drilling for oil, nothing more! But what about volcanoes? Who proves that the incandescent lavas of a volcano come out of the center of the Earth? Why could they not be the effect of the composition of two or more different gases that, when approaching the Crust, collide and become dazzled?

As far as I know, no American has actually made an expedition to the center of the Earth. As far as they went, they reached gigantic empty caves, like many others in other places, as well as there are others and with large entrances.

As for the ban on flights over the North Pole, I don’t know if there was one, but if you hear it, you should question who banned them. There is a ban on flights over other regions, as Area 51 for example, and many others; which Brazil should also do with regard to the Amazon, as it has already been recorded (there are official photos and films about it) of large C-130 planes with US insignia spreading chemicals over the jungles of the Amazon. What were they trying to do? Maybe they were looking for another entrance to the interior of the Earth. Lol! Or else defoliants to blame our government for being remiss and allowing deforestation by gangs of loggers or farmers and so, they continued saying that the Amazon is theirs! How absurd!

The entrances exist, they are not false, but they do not lead to the center of the Earth. I would like to see a picture between aliens and earthly rulers or military! Please put some of them on the Facebook page or on my website. OK?

All the aliens that, unfortunately, had breakdowns in their ships and fell into the hands of the Americans, simply disappeared and those that were caught here in my state [of São Paulo] were killed by the military authorities, and from what I imagine, their bodies were sent to the American authorities. This I cannot prove, only guess.

Aliens have been visiting Earth since time immemorial; see Ezekiel in the Bible and many other chapters by other biblical authors. Their volume increased among us due to our machinations which, as a result, gave rise to the wars in Vietnam, Korea, more recently the Middle East, September 11, and many others and, if we are not careful, we will have the third world war in less time than expected.

If you read my books that our dear Christina is translating, you will see that I keep in touch with inhabitants of the planets of our Solar System, which are right there … lol. However, having contact with others from long distances, which for them does not exist, is also right there… lol. So too may have been the God of Abraham!

You mentioned nuclear disarmament? From who? The Americans, the Russians, the French, China and many others have nuclear weapons up to their teeth! Did you mean nuclear disarmament of those who couldn’t build their armaments for third party interests? That is indeed true, most of them are unarmed! I am not aware of nuclear disarmament by these large countries, much less by extraterrestrial imposition.

You are free to believe what you want, my friend, but just use logical reasoning and forget about empiricism. As for the intraterrestrial civilizations with a physical body, with their cities and ships is A UTOPIA, worthy of the greatest Hollywood producers. They do not exist!

Terrestrial humanity, represented by its Science, has not been able to discover how those stones of the Egyptian Pyramids, weighing 20 tons each, were placed there, millimetrically exact, between which you cannot pass a magnetic card or business card. The same in the pyramids of Mexico, those of the Incas in Peru, which are at a huge, gigantic distance from the plateau, and they want to venture saying that the Earth is Hollow; hahaha! Perhaps this is of interest to those book authors who want the earth to be hollow, so that they can sell their books. It’s not my case, because I wouldn’t have the slightest doubt in believing it if I was sure of it. My certainty is different, and it is that it is not hollow.

Excuse the jokes, but it’s just laughable.


Here I will be at your service.

DYezzi:. [ Translated by Christina Breault ]

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