Akashic Records


“Good afternoon Domingos. 17 years ago I had some contacts through dreams with beings from other dimensions. As soon as I would fall asleep they would come in their vessel. My dream was so real that I had full assurance it was happening. We talked very much but I didn’t remember anything of the conversation when I woke up, [except] some things but very vague. They came as human beings and dressed with a silver [metallic looking] clothing very attached to their skin, they were three men and a woman… there was a black male and in a very bad mood, somewhat impatient, a little nervous, and the others always sported with him, joking around and conversing with him. The woman was very friendly with me, she had light hair and one day she told me that she was called Unvikmanuellite, and when I had this dream I was pregnant with my daughter already in the last month. Do you believe that the lady asked me to name the girl after her name? and I was going to do it but the father and the family wouldn’t let me saying that wasn’t a name, and I didn’t tell [them] anything about what was happening every nights neither where I came up with that name. Then I had a last contact with these beings when the lady asked me to give the girl this name, and she told me that we would have another contact but different than those, then I didn’t dream anymore. When I had the girl, a month later, I was seating watching television when I began to feel light, outside of myself, and I began to hear the voice of that lady, the same voice of my dreams, it wasn’t a human voice, it was different, prettier, and it began saying the letters Y X K V M L and she repeated about three times very slow, it seemed it was for me to record it, and she kept diminishing the voice until disappearing; I came back to normal thinking this, my GOD, it is a code, however to this day I don’t know what it means about these letters and reading your book about [akhashic] records, could it be?”

— Posted with editor’s notes. Original authorship kept anonymous for privacy reasons.


“…Before arriving to conclusions from a distance like this, I would tell you that, these things don’t occur to any one, thereby the reason you must have been chosen, is not because of your beautiful eyes or any other thing, but, by your previous [akhashic] records, which must include the purpose of your mission with them. We easily forget our commitments due to the dense physical life and the turbulences of earthly life. But they don’t forget and [they] return to remind us.

“Our minds, and our spirit, due to what I’ve explained above, seek to divert us from those realities and in often times produce the animism, which is when our personality is interposed between our brain and their brain, creating images and fantasies fitting of the moment in which we live. I want to believe not to be your case. I would even say, regarding the name of the girl, you could have “rounded” to Manoelita, [or] Manoela, which in addition to not being ugly, it could result in a kind of conductor for them. But, this is [of] less [importance]. I think that if you really have a mission with them, they will come back. You should not be afraid, just think positive that everything will result in positive. As for the black male that was with them, it may be the result of their crossbreeding with someone of Earth and that he was feeling annoyed to witness new crossbreeding. In this case, only you can tell, whether or not there was the case of your daughter. You need to tell me about how she is currently. Fear nothing, think in them or in the lady and allow them to present themselves to you and say what they want to do, to put an order in these your doubts and anxieties. But modesty aside, my books explain well. Hugs, and have this friend at your service.”

~ Domingos Yezzi [Translated by Christina C. Breault]

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