Good evening. I like your books and your work in general.
I would like you to talk a little about the Anunnaki, also known as Reptilians. I read this subject in the book “The Great Secret” by David Icke and I would like to understand a little better. Are they really in control of our planet? Are there hybrids humans, inbred with such race? In the book it is said that the Queen of England is a case in point. Could you clarify on this?
Thank you.
Skull of a Pointy Head
Dear Marcus,
For what I know, the Anunnaki are an extinct race for thousands of years, however, in my mental and spiritual experiences and contacts with other beings, I know that the [physical] race may have disappeared but not their spirits! This means that within the Universal laws, such entities may have kept themselves in spirit, because, excluding a few thousands of exceptions, nobody is forced to reincarnate and, in their case, who had much knowledge of the occult sciences, may well be trying to dominate the human mind. I repeat, may be trying, but will not [succeed to] dominate, because the positive forces of both the Earth and the Universe are bigger and more powerful than them. However, there are some ignorant, unsuspecting, who serve as “mediums,” that is, intermediate to these evil creatures to act among humans, as other creatures that are “residents” of the lower astral or threshold, or yet, the parallel fields of Earth, from where they are attracted by mental and spiritual harmony to humans, incorporating them and inducing them to practice all kinds of wickedness. As these races were located in ancient Mesopotamia, in what is now the Middle East, where there is also located several other races or remaining beings from that civilization, thus creating a fertile field for such manifestations. Therefore, as a result, the great massacres and ruthless genocides against the elderly, women and children, meaning that the ancient enmity continues among themselves, who return to avenge themselves from their former tormentors, turning the region into a stage of perpetual loop without end, [with] deaths and atavistic reincarnations that no one can fix, even the higher forces because there has been made effective the Universal Laws of Cause and Effect.
As for the queen that you mentioned, I am not aware of anything [like that] as of yet. But like her, there are other world leaders bound to the domain of humanity by force, by wars, by corruption, by intimidation, and can be vehicles of those beings as described above, but also can be the result of mere sensationalist speculation, but in the background reveal the evil character and bellicose nature of those leaders who, as they say in the jargon, “spit on the plate they eat,” forgetting that they are on the same planet, the same boat swirling in outer space, and can exterminate themselves!
The Anunnakis are the giants who once inhabited Earth — their fossils have been found on Earth and the melting of the ice in Antarctica will reveal their tombs there. They are are said to be the inhabitants of Nibiru.
Born in 1935, author contacted by extraterrestrials, graduated in Accounting, Economics, System Analysis and Music; he served as Technical Director of the Ribeirão Preto Symphony Orchestra, in São Paulo, Brazil, for 10 years, where he belonged as a “part” of the first violin players. He studied Parapsychology and Paranormal Development, while aligning the facts that had occurred to him since he was 8 years old, regarding clairvoyance, aurividence, and direct contacts with beings from other planets. With his late first wife, he worked for more than 36 years studying and cataloging various existing phenomenologies, leading to this final publication here. Visit the videos channel!