What’s Below Is Above and What’s Above Is Below
What do these sentences mean?
What do these sentences mean?
“What is still missing for us to reach other levels of evolved planets?”
“Everyone gets exactly what they deserve. And you should be thankful for what you receive, because it is exactly what you are deserving at the moment. You yourself will be able to improve your pattern of merit."
For the incarnated human being there are no other external parameters for measuring or comparing the activity of existential life.
“… will there be a big explosion and separation of levels of consciousness, of bad and good people?…”
“Homosexuality, lesbianism, have their deep causes in the Perispirit, which had a different sexuality from the one he had to assume now, through karma or
“It is not my intention here to make an apology for the negative, much less the negativism, which would be the opposite of the positive and the positivism, just as the shadow is the opposite of light, the left is the opposite of the right, the color black would be the opposite of the white color, and in …”
Desire for revenge or justice?
Subdivision of our solar system into two new solar systems after …
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