Carnival’s Energy


At the time of carnival, is there really an “opening” (astral, energy, vibration, I don’t not know the technical term because of my knowledge as a beginner compared to yours) where the negativity is more conspicuous in the air? During a period when I was involved as an observer of my relatives in umbanda, I heard this comment quite a lot [among them saying] that they had to protect themselves and such. What can you concretely tell me about the period of carnival (so that I, as well as my wife, who is an undeveloped advance medium, and my children can go through this period less affected as possible)?


Marco Mantuano


Dear Mantuano,

It’s a mistake to think that only in carnival these openings occur. We must not forget that in the headquarters of the schools of samba there is carnival throughout the whole year, because they need to raise monies to complete the carnival funds. AND, these environments are ruled by alcohol, drugs, promiscuity and finally all possible and unrevealed barbarities. But there are a lot of serious people among all this. I always say: “Who is enlightened, illuminated, can enter any place that the negative entities do not see them.” The more tuned in “high harmonics” [one is], the less of any “low harmonics” will enter! Therefore, we are all surrounded, more and more each day that passes, just don’t tune into their frequency and nothing will happen. Let’s be active mediums, or not! God gives us the danger, but also gives us the forms of defense. Was not so, the world would have ended quickly.

There is no need to become a saint, just learn the usefulness of “pray and watch,” the rest will depend on our karma (destination). I have a saying that says: “Woe to thee, or happy thee, on the day that your present meets your past.” The universal algebraic laws will enter the game, and if the previous production, either in this life or in past lives, was negative and in this (present life) is also negative, it equals the same, as they sum up, [and] in the same way if it was positive. Different signs are reduced, prevailing the sign of the greater. Do you understand?

The strayed bullet only strikes the one who shot it first!


DYezzi::. [Translated by Christina Chalréo Breault]

Author’s Additional Note

I must add that I have nothing against carnival or against carnival people, I even like it because it is a manifestation of the purest Brazilian popular soul, but I feel obliged, by knowing, to warn the less informed about the various types of deleterious, or negative energies, which occur and are exhaled and exuded during these days in some places, as those who attend them are influenced by the most different instincts, which will certainly result in a grayer than usual Ash Wednesday.

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