Contacts, Planet Fesp, Jesus, the Bible, etc.


Good afternoon, Mr. Domingos. How was Christmas and New Year?

Well, as I said earlier, I’ll ask the questions according to the progress of the reading I’m doing on your book and on the other I’ve read. Here we go:

  1. If Earth is an inferior habitat, can we see beings from other planets if they have the same vibration?
  2. In the book you mention that the Earth and the planet Fesp (gross matter) — in case our scientists discover this planet —, can we see and get in touch with the locals, since we would be in the same vibration?
  3. About the Elemental Beings, you say they exchange their habitat for others. How do they do it, that is, how do they go to another planet or region?
  4. Could you better explain me about Earth’s lower astral, which is on pages 101 through 102? I reminded me of the movie “Our Home” and it seemed familiar?
  5. What is the way for the people of Earth to come in contact with more evolved beings and learn more about ourselves?
  6. Is Jesus really the son of God and does He live on planet Venus, or is He a more evolved being?
  7. Once you said that people misinterpret the bible, what do you say about this: “Ask and it shall be given, knock and the door shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7).
  8. In the book I read says that God appeared to Solomon and gave him wisdom to rule his people. Was it God who appeared or was a more evolved being?

At the moment these are the questions I have. Over the time I read, I’ll ask more.

Thank you,

Luis Fernando


Dear Luiz,

First of all, thank you for your email and for you to be reading my books. Here all was alright. I’m grateful.

  1. The question if we can or cannot see beings from other planets does not depend on lag or advances between us and them, but theirs to us. Therefore, the more evolved they are, more chances and means they have to present themselves to us. Fesp is behind in time equivalent to our ancient troglodytes. Consequently, they only grunt and do not speak. Thus, the Earth being behind as it still is, despite having had several progresses in several areas, has no means of being able to communicate with them, even in thought, as they are unaware of it and Earth only heard of it until now. There is not a matter of being in the same vibration, as they are not. The Earth is still more advanced than them.
  2. Answered above.
  3. The Elemental Beings are creatures originating from the environment, invisible to human eyes almost always, occasionally not. They arise if there is a propitious moment. For example: Those who are originated from the forests, which would be their habitats, [and] if men end the woods, of course, those beings are, for lack of a better word, “pushed” to other locations. And if there are no more forests, they will disappear.
  4. The regions called Lower Astral are located further below of that described in “Our Home.” André Luiz, before going to “Our Home,” passed through a region much inferior. This is the Lower Astral.
  5. There is no recipe for Earth beings to come into contact with the more evolved. I would say, first they have to learn how to get in touch with the more evolved spiritual beings of the Earth itself, as they are yet unaware of the existence of these, for the most part. They will help Earthlings to increase their vibrations, their fine tunings, and will be a pass for new contacts.
  6. It is not only Jesus who is the son of God! We all are, without distinction. He came for an arduous mission and fulfilled here. He was the General Governor of Venus. Now as Jesus, he finds himself in the higher Cosmic regions, which also allows him to rule the Earth, spiritually.
  7. Actually, what I meant is that people, in addition to interpreting wrongly, they only make use of what suits them. The Bible is a historical book, and as such, has many interesting narratives, but also has a lot of interpolation, which was passed from father to son, brother to brother, fanatic to fanatic. So, many facts have changed in the course of over 100 years after Christ, when it began to be written. Therefore, much has failed, for which I call the attention of those who want to kill themselves for something you do not know who wrote it. The example you mentioned is great, however, I always say that if the Bible and its contents do not suit all, without distinction, equally and is not only convenient for some and not for others, then it’s not good for anything!
  8. In my way of thinking, God pronounced himself, as it does today, in the form of higher beings. Only at that time everything was attributed to him, for then was no knowledge of paranormal phenomena, mediumship, mental sensitivity and etc.

Read and reread the books, very deeply, trying to understand what’s in between the lines and enter and search my site, as we are continually updating it.


DYezzi::. [Translated by Christina Chalréo Breault]

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