December 21, 2012
Domingos Yezzi, informed by his contacts, makes the following announcement:

December 21, 2012 is only a date in the Mayan Calendar, signifying the END and at the same time the BEGINNING of a new era, which they have already pre-calculated through their mathematicians and oracles, which predicted the extinction of an era of lower thoughts and actions for the appearance of a New Era of great planetary changes, changes in the thoughts and actions of humanity, to be higher, more objective and more mentally and spiritually creative. THAT’S IT!
THERE WILL NOT BE THE END OF THE WORLD, from the astronomic and astrological point of view, but indeed the beginning of a new humanity, which should be less aggressive and belligerent, if there is reasoning on the part of all the rulers of the various terrestrial countries.
The Mayan civilization did not predict its disappearance hundreds of years before that date, therefore, neither the end of its World. The Mayas, therefore, would not predict the End of a civilization that would come thousands of years after them.
Therefore, you can be at ease and do not be swayed by crafty and explorers of public good faith whose profits are from misery and the induction of fear to bring in more and more to their negative proceeds!
DYezzi::. [Translated by Christina C. Breault]