Does Music Alter Thoughts?

Each note has a specific color and it vibrates in its particular color. Therefore, a chord made of several notes is several colors, a symphony, a concert, a sonata and even a chorinho¹, a fox, a boogie, jazz, etc. each one has its own color and, according to the person’s needs, these colors penetrate their pores, plexuses and chakras, harmonizing or disharmonizing their psychosomatic whole. When a note is vibrated and according to the instrument that vibrates it, after it turns into sound, soon after it turns into a colored gas that spreads throughout the environment and goes into space. This environment can be a home, a theater, etc. Hence, the feeling we have of liking or disliking a particular song, and realizing that some of them leave us in a low mood, depression, etc., while others warm us up, stimulate our mind and feelings, accelerating our metabolism. Taking into account the songs that contain words, these are also inducing on our psyche.

¹ Chorinho is an instrumental Brazilian popular music genre which originated in 19th century Rio de Janeiro. Despite its name (which means “little cry”), the music often has a fast and happy rhythm.

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