Is There Such a Thing as Hi-Tech Imprisonment of Souls?

A reply from Domingos Yezzi [Translated from Portuguese, the author’s native language]:

“If your friend thinks that there is technology — machines and the like — to imprison a human soul, I’m sorry but she’s wrong, there is no such thing(s). Those who think positively and act positively have nothing to fear, however, those who think negatively, in addition to having against them cerebral disturbances or a neuro-vegetative brain, they are also open channels that bring to them, or take them, to the appropriate places where they are “vampirized” and they remain as prisoners to harmful elements which make them the “living dead” and put them to the mercy of their wishes. This means in general a trapping of the soul that loses its own will. But, look, there must be a karma or pre-determinism, an indebtedness of such people with those malignant agents, being the result of years of wickedness and degradation. Those with a positive registry [that is, their Akashic Records] have nothing to fear! … There are thousands of cases of sorcery and spells that make use of several techniques for these negative purposes, but, stronger are the positive fluids.”

~ DYezzi::. [Translated by Christina C. Breault]

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