How to Brainwash an Entire Nation
The cultural subversion of the United States, Europe and the rest of the world, as Yuri Bezmenov warned during interviews and lectures in 1983-1984. Credit: The Truth Archive

The cultural subversion of the United States, Europe and the rest of the world, as Yuri Bezmenov warned during interviews and lectures in 1983-1984. Credit: The Truth Archive
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Administrator and translator of website dedicated to supporters and lovers of New Earth, facilitating extraterrestrial studies, spirituality and positivity.
“You must not forget that the universe is very ancient …”
A simple and yet very effective prayer
It is understood as “Hollow Earth” that there is not the magma core
I know that powerful forces move it, I know that its 6,000-year cycle is necessary and…
What do mantras mean?
Worse than not having someone to talk about my headache is having the headache. Establishing my well-being solves all the rest!
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