Jesus & Gays

We hear a lot of negative talk coming from Christians and other religious groups about those we call Gay or Homosexual. Having been married to the same woman over 60 years, I really have no interest in that life style. But I find myself upset when I see such talk coming from those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ.

What Did Jesus Say?

In the Bible Jesus never made one negative comment about Gays, who in those times were known as natural eunuchs. Under the law at that time, natural eunuchs were allowed to marry and adopt children. In fact, the Roman Emperor, Nero, was married to a man.

Let’s Define Eunuchs

Anyone who did not intercourse with the opposite sex, at that time, was known as a eunuch. There were those who abstained from sex for religious purposes. Priests, monks etc. were in this group. There were those who were castrated for purposes of guarding women. Then there were the natural eunuchs. Those who today we refer to as gays. So, those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ would be well to read the scriptures where Jesus referred to these three types of eunuchs.

For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

~ Matthew 19:12

Think About This

  1. Born Gays from mother’s womb
  2. Made Eunuchs of Men Castrated
  3. Kingdom of Heaven’s sake Religious

So, the critics say Gays choose to live that way and Jesus says they are born that way. And though Jesus followers are very critical of Gays, Jesus never said one negative word about them. What amazes me is that Christians who say they follow Jesus Christ totally disagree with him!

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