Life in Another Dimension, Siderius …


Good morning, Domingos.

I just read your book, “The DNA of The Spirit and The Extraterrestrials.” Very enlightening, but I was left with two questions:

  1. Could you tell me if the existing life on other planets in the solar system would be in this same dimension, that is, visible to our eyes?
  2. It is noticeable the changes in our planet and in people. We are in a phase of destruction, disaster and heinous crimes like never before. But it is also a moment of enlightenment and awareness of many. Probably because of the approaching of the astral body Siderius. I wonder if you have any information more recent about the possibility of sighting this astral body. Those chosen will be rescued by extraterrestrials before the final catastrophe?

Thank you,

Marcus M.


Dear Marcus,

Thank you for your email and questions.

  1. Incredible as it may seem, NASA, which would be the nearest source of scientific information to us have not mentioned anything so far, for it is not known which interests it has in not to disclose, nor do research within each planet except sending those slinky probes to Mars to target future conquests and not future friendships. From what I am told, in almost all the 12 planets in our solar system, life is three dimensional as ours. What varies a bit more to energetic life is on Neptune. The others are the same, with different “habitats” and lives, because “the inhabitant makes the habitat and the habitat makes the inhabitant!”
  2. All that is occurring on our planet had been predicted, because the sum of the negative doings of man ​​in the past would have irreparable results. Not only humans have a karma, [but] the Earth also has its own. The planet Earth and its humanity, unfortunately, are in their death throes, which will reach the apex when the passing through of big astral body Siderius in our solar system occurs, which approaches every day and is already being tracked by NASA. Some say already seeing it with the naked eye, at the bottom side of the Sun. The ETs are arriving from the most distant places in the Universe, with their gigantic ships, which are so large and having so much energetic power that they can not get too close to our cities otherwise they can cause complete shutdown of all electrical activities in our planet. So they park at the Sun, clearly inside the Sun. Yes, there will be a huge movement of rescue, but I can not say if only for the chosen and if there will even be any chosen. You can not evaluate the criteria used by them. As you know, here we have the chaff mixed with the wheat, and often family members with different behaviors. It will not be so easy for them to separate the good from the bad, innocent from bandits.


DYezzi::. [Translated by Christina Chalréo Breault]
Sun compared to Nibiru
The gigantic Planet Siderius, rising west of Earth, on course to Earth.

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