Light Doesn’t Mean Fire

“Just as fire does not mean cold light, also light does not mean fire and much less heat.”

Domingos Yezzi

If science says, “the Sun is on fire,” then the tail of a light-bug also is. The principle is the same, slightly altering only the generative and emitting center, while one is a gigantic star, or the other is a tiny insect!

The same phenomenon also occurs, keeping the proportions and the objectives, with an electric power plant, be it hydro or atomic, and the electric fish, both generate electrical energy of the best quality. While the electric power plant is an artificial complex manufactured by man, the electric fish belongs to the animal gender made of flesh and bone, infinitesimal compared to it, in which, as man customarily labels everything, he cannot extract from himself the creative energies he has within himself, nor can he figure out how nature gave these properties to a simple little fish.

By contactee Domingos Yezzi, São Paulo, 05/12/1996 at 11:30PM [Translated by Christina Breault]

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