More About Fesp, Elemental Beings, Death and Law of Attraction …


About the items answered:

  1. Ok, since Earth is more advanced than them (in Fesp), let’s say, for example, a scientist sends a probe to search for planets and just finds this planet Fesp. In case it approaches, takes pictures, do analyzes on the planet, can we [then] see these beings as we are more evolved?
  2. Is there any case that you have knowledge of where someone has registered an Elemental Being and disclosed it to the media but did not know what it was? NOTE: There is a video on YouTube — as soon as I can I will send it to you — showing a being that lives in the sea that was recorded by two people. We can see the being, a bit bluish with webbed hands, looked like a mermaid.
  3. Let’s see if I understand and if you can, correct me: When we die, the physical body, depending on our spirit, if positively charged, we will go to a higher plane, if it is negative, and depending on the degree of negativity, we will go to the lower astral?
  4. These evolved spirits of Earth, do they have knowledge of these beings from other worlds?

Thank you,

Luis Fernando


Dear Luiz,

I request that you gather the questions and do them all at once, because my time is short and I can not answer every time you write. Get the point? Thanks.

  1. Yes, in the case of Fesp, they would be normally sighted because they are in the third dimension.
  2. Yes, there have been several cases of Elementals [of Nature] registered, or by clairvoyance, or by photo, or by drawing, and this has been going on for centuries, but only now humanity is awakening to these cases. The mermaid, as well as the Iara or Yara, are water Elementals, one of the seas, the other of the rivers. They exist and have already been seen by many people.
  3. Yes, for each type of vibration, negative, more negative, positive, more positive, there is a parallel world, a kind of Astral consistent with their affinities. They are a kind of energy “pockets,” or sort of islands, or oases, which are situated on the “other side,” where their matches are attracted.
  4. I hope so, but not always because an evolution can occur only in the mental, spiritual, energetic level, and not always in the knowledge level. So there are spirits regarded as evolved, whose minds are open to such knowledge, but not always experience it, if they are even interested to know. And in the Universe always prevails Free Will, by which each achieves the progress that’s most suitable.


DYezzi::. [Translated by Christina Chalréo Breault]

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