Numerology … 2 + 2 = 4.0000000∞


Numerology, according to scholars who focus on their study, is the science of sound vibrations. Thus, man as a powerful center of energy manifestation, brings together all the lessons and experiences of the various kingdoms of nature. Each number represents a symbol. Normally, we do not theorize about the occult side of everything that happens to us. Why are we in the terrestrial globe witnessing or practicing horrors? In contrast, the Divine Mercy sends us spiritual luminaries to sooth our misfortunes. We must stop, at length, to reflect on what is happening in the country and the world and care to capture the best vibes to our orb through prayer. It’s what I think. I would like to learn more by analyzing other concepts on the fortunes and misfortunes we experience.



Dear Yaya Tekinha,

After Your Reverence’s philosophical exposition, by the way very well done, what I have to say is that the Universe is mathematical. The mathematics itself is universal, i.e., one plus one are two here on Earth, on Mars or any other planet, so it is a universal language that can bring understanding among peoples of all planets in all galaxies. The names may be others, the pronunciation another, but the result will be the same for everyone. The measure of the Pi [π] used by the Egyptians and other peoples of the Earth in ancient times, and even today, is the same for the entire universe. Only that each number has its own vibration and significant connotation according to the habitat where it was generated. On Earth is a vibration and every other planet is vibrating in accordance with the habitat, as well as each musical note, which also has its vibe and its color according to the habitat where it is generated; the same also occurring with plants and beings of their various kingdoms, mineral, vegetable and animal, including humans. For example: a Bach Sonata or any other composer that here on Earth has its tone, its vibrancy, its psychophysical connotation and other details governed by the terrestrial environment (habitat), on Mars may have others until they are not understood in the manner we hear and understand them, as well as their songs, to us, would also have other forms and meanings.

What I can add to your Reverence and all those who read us, is that the Creator and His1 Universe is simply wonderful and indescribable, and I, by any nature’s breakdown or freak , am privileged to know and experience it. We need not go so far, if we all had the propriety and the possibility to visit our parallel worlds, that are right there beside us, and we would be amazed to see and feel the colors of the sounds, of the numbers, of the plants and of the creatures and everything else that make these worlds intertwine with ours, which for ignorance and spiritual and mental retardation (that does not occur with beings from other planets within their own habitats), we cannot appreciate and much less experience it, or we would be thrilled, dazzled, displaced people, as I get, at such an existing vibratory difference already between us and those fields, between our world and those worlds. It’s simply wonderful and indescribable! It would yield the writing of a thick book on this subject, [and] who knows one day I’ll be inspired to do it!

Hugs my Yaya Tekinha [and] God Bless You!

DYezzi::. [Translated by Christina Chalréo Breault]

¹ Here, where the asexuality of God and His/Hers omnipresence and omniscience is everywhere, we make references to God as “He” solely for linguistic accommodations.

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