Origin of Humanity?
The below information is somewhat consistent with what Brazilian author and contactee Domingos Yezzi shares regarding the origin of homo-sapiens.
Origin of Mankind: Adam, The First Laboratory Baby
By Ian Bozic [Translated by Chris Breault]
The Ancient Sumerian cuneiform clay tablets are the oldest preserved original system of writing known to man which predate all the religious sacred scriptures in human history. Some of these texts tell a fascinating story of how life on Earth began, how gods (extraterrestrial beings called the Anunnaki — ‘Those who from Heaven to Earth came’) genetically manipulated Homo Sapiens DNA for the purpose of being nothing but a slave worker. So far archaeologists have found over one million of these clay tablets that are now in the possession of the museums around the world. Unfortunately, many of these tablets are still to be translated and are not on public display.
The late researcher, archaeologist and best-selling author Zecharia Sitchin in his book ‘Genesis Revisited‘ claims that evolutionists and creationists are both right in their convictions as to how human life began. Life did emerge from a simple one-cell organism which over millennia evolved into ape man but has been genetically engineered into Homo Sapiens by the extraterrestrial beings from another planet according to the Sumerian tablets.
These ancient scribes tell a story how the Anunnaki came to this planet around 445,000 years ago to mine gold to save their own planet Nibiru from the ionizing radiation. To shield their planet’s atmosphere this precious metal was the only possible option they had.
Therefore the king of Nibiru and of ‘Heaven and Earth’, Anu, sent his son Enki on a Mission to planet Earth. Enki, who was an extraordinary scientist, together with his 50 lower-rank workers called Igigi, settled in Mesopotamia to obtain gold from the Persian Gulf which turned out to be a futile task. Two half brothers from the same father Anu but a different mother Enki born of Antu and Enlil born of Ki, disliked each other as both of them were rivals to the throne. Eventually Anu had to split them apart by commanding them to draw from lots to see who would go where. The outcome of the lot was that Enki had to leave to supervise gold mines in Africa whereas Enlil was given the authority over the old settlements of Edin, or Eden from the Bible. Around 300,000 years ago the Igigi had had enough of this hard labour, so they rebelled against the higher deities, the Anunnaki.

A poem from the tablet shows how the Igigi were nothing but slave-workers for the Anunnaki: “When the gods, man-like, Bore the labour, carried the load, The gods’ load was great, The toil grievous, the trouble excessive. The great Anunnaku, the Seven, Were making the Igigu undertake the toil.”
When the excavations stopped, the Anunnaki leaders summoned a council to solve this revolt. Enlil wanted to abolish this uprising by killing one of these slave miners as an example, but king Anu wasn’t keen with this notion. Instead he accepted Enki’s proposition to create a new primitive worker. As it is written on the Sumerian tablets, Enki at this meeting said: “The creature whose name you uttered- It exists! All you have to do is to bind an image of the gods.” These texts tell how a human who was already present on Earth as a primitive ape-man of evolution needed to be upgraded with enough intelligence to be an obedient slave.
Before the decision was made to ‘jump start‘ this animal with the Anunnaki DNA through the Ape woman and Ape man, Enki had to be sure that a healthy test tube-baby would be born. Therefore, together with his half-sister and spouse, Ninti, who was a medical chief, Enki used in secret many different genetic manipulations including in-vitro fertilization techniques on various animals of which none of them turned out to be successful. The result of these failed experiments were horrific; creatures were born like monsters with either one body and two heads, mixed with male and female organs, some of them with goat legs or horns, as these Sumerian texts describe.
As it is written on the tablets, Ninti felt like and acted like a god holding the fate of these poor creatures in her own hands: “How good is a man’s body? As my heart prompts me, I can make its fate good or bad.” Enki and Ninti performed many trial-and-error attempts long before Enki suggested to the council of Anunnaki to create a primitive being.
It became even more bizarre when these two scientists started to implant fertilized eggs into their own kind – the Anunnaki females. Eventually Ninti decided to become a mother of one, so she offered to sacrifice herself by letting Enki place the genetically modified fertilized egg into her womb. After 10 months a Man was created in the image of gods!
The Goddess Ninti gave a late-birth to the first man, lulu in Sumerian (man of earth-Adamah in Hebrew) as described in the Sumerian tablets: “The newborn’s fate thou shalt pronounce; Ninti would fix upon it the image of the gods; And what will be is Man.” Adam the Son of the goddess was born. “The birth goddesses kept together. Ninti sat, counting the months. The fateful ten month was approaching, the ten month arrived, the period of opening womb had elapsed.” I have created! My hands have made it!
The genetic formula was so successful that immediately mass production of these hybrid babies took place in high-speed. When there were a lot more of these artificially created primitive workers, the Anunnaki from the city of Edin went to Abzu in Africa to capture and enslave them. This forced Enki to set up yet another genetic manipulation. But this time a better version of it by making his creation to be able to procreate on their own. From this moment on a genetically transformed Homo Sapiens started to multiply upon the face of the Earth. But this human Adam (Lulu, Adamah- Earthling) was to be nothing else but a slave labourer for the Anunnaki under the watchful eye of the Igigi’s, who now took a new role as The Watchers of the Humankind.
The above original text was removed from the original source, for unknown reasons, and the site entirely deleted.
Human Man Was Genetically Engineered by ETs
According to ZetaTalk.com, man was genetically engineered, but not by the Anunnakis, although they did interbreed with humans. This information is consistent with the writings of contactee Domingos Yezzi, a retired Brazilian musician who has been in contact with extraterrestrials since his childhood, who writes in his books that man was engineered by ETs to improve the human race. The soul comes from the Source, known to us as God, which I, Chris Breault, call The Prime Creator, as I learned from Robert Shapiro. Domingos Yezzi explains wonderfully about God, Its origin and from where all living beings spark as a central core of “nuclear energy,” for lack of a better word (for now).