Planetary Transformation


“Hello dear Domingos Yezzi, how are you doing? I finished your book… Do you have time to answer me a question? … I have read from a lady that channels Ramtha who is a person that speaks of a being that is a warrior of Atlantis and said that our planet is going to give a twist that will rotate in the opposite direction, the change of poles, but will be before the days of darkness; [he] also speaks that we have to gather food; I believe that for the people that are not well informed this makes us think a thousand things… are these beings of light from the galactic federation? You know many things that I don’t know so I hope you can tell me what have to be done because something tells me that this change is near, how are these people?… are we going to die at the passage of this dimension? To meditate I know is very good but will this help us to die well? I send you all my affection.”

~ Your friend, Elsa


“Yes, these beings are true. See page 47, chapter 13 of my book “What the Extraterrestrials Think About and Expect from Us“. There you will read a message from one of them to me.

“Our planet will go through a great transformation, a radical transformation. The ETs fear what you mentioned happens, as if it happens there will be nothing left on the face of the Earth, nonetheless, in spite of their fears, they don’t think it will happen, but indeed a verticalization of Earth’s axis which currently is tilted at 24°. This shift, which has already begun, will change the face of some continents that will partially be covered by the sea. Of course all populations along the coastal lines of the whole world will have to guard and take some steps, such as, for example, gradually begin moving to inland. But, this will not save them from the events, which, until now, are the rays of the assumptions, of unreality, as with the population in the times of Noah heard of but didn’t believe, only he believed and built his ark. Millions of people lost their life, several continents were submerged, including Lemuria and Atlantis, which will happen again, now in larger scale. But the population, even with all these warnings and modern mechanisms at its disposal, yet will be caught by surprise! There is no way of convincing them with forecasts only, they want facts! They need more hecatombs, more tsunamis, more earthquakes, floods, fires, wars and other “small” things to be convinced. They are arriving. This year something will happen to give the “beginning” in the change of humanity’s thinking.

“If we are all going to die? Who knows? Even if we knew we wouldn’t be believed, we would be indeed injured, despised, disbelieved. Then what to do other than wait, only wait and give continuity to life, to projects, and finally to everything that the world and the moment offer us. Each one of us must take heed of our acts and thoughts, try not to go down to the road of evil, not to acquire toxins of all orders because the addictions, the drugs, the drinking, the debasement of human sentiment, the disaffection for life and for our own kind, are increasing each day. All of this are evidence of a large wreck of humanity, indications of a great expulsion of unhealthy and “weedy” souls to lower orbs known as planetary “prisons” in our solar system where all this chaff will go without appeal to restart again from scratch and remember that one day they lived in a blue paradise, their late planet Earth. This is the current reality. There won’t be special protections, [however] there will be indeed those who alone have built a new vibrational condition for their future bodies.

“Please share by all means that you have at your disposal to those who have “ears to hear” and “eyes to see”. To the rest, let them reach their good senses on their own, because there is nothing we can do.”

~ Domingos Yezzi [Translated by Chris Breault]
The New Solar Systems
The new Solar Systems – Compiled by contactee Domingos Yezzi and digitized by Chris Breault

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