Religious Child Abuse
The Origin & The Holy Connection
Rape From The Religious
I want to study in a totally different way the current disaster in the church, of priests sexually molesting young children. The situation grew to alarming proportions when it was revealed that a Father Shanley was actually one of the founders of NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association. Please refer to Time Magazine, April 22, 2002 edition, page 44, the article “In Plain Sight“. He is seen in pictures making speeches with the NAMBLA banner behind him. And though his superiors knew he was involved deeply in this, whenever he was transferred, he was given glowing references as an outstanding, and holy priest.
I want to take this story beyond where anyone else has considered it. I am looking to see if this great universe is directly involved in revealing this sordid secret, so that the way may be cleansed. Consider this for yourself.
The Question
For thousands of years this practice of adults having sex with children has been going on. Then why all of a sudden does it explode, and what does it foretell about the rest of our civilization in line with Supernova 1987a, and Eta Carinae, and the rest of the celestial bodies aligning themselves in this great age? When things occur as I am about to show you, we can say, oh well it’s just a coincidence. We then have to consider the word coincidence and say, yes, it is a coincidence, but is it a meaningful coincidence, is it synchronicity? Is it a coincidence that has been brought upon us by a higher, supreme force, for a purpose, and if so, what’s next?
We have this awesome picture of the most powerful church in the world experiencing an exposure within itself of a depraved sort.
The sexual molestation of children by those who are revered as holy and representatives of God. One of their own was a founder of the organization that promotes such relationships between men and boys: NAMBLA.
What Is the Synchronicity?
So, what is the coincidence, or what is the synchronicity involved in God related people, having sex with children? And why is it so curiously connected to the time we are living in now, and why should this encourage all of us to look to the invisible powers to answer the question? WHY NOW?
The Age of Aquarius
The story is of a small boy named Ganymede who is abducted by the god Zeus to serve as cupbearer and lover to Zeus and the Gods. That boy is rewarded by the Gods and is placed in the universe as the constellation Aquarius, the man with the pitcher of water. We are entering the Age of Aquarius.
A time of change, a time of revolution, and invention. Controlled by Uranus it is a time when traditional values are turned upside down. We have seen so much of that through the years as great nations such as the Soviet Union are totally transformed, and other amazing things have occurred before our eyes, such as the discovery of the human genome.
But our subject is that of children being sexually molested by religious people. And so we focus on the age, we focus on the constellation, and as we anticipate changes to come from other celestial bodies, we look to see if we can connect this knowledge of children, religious people, and sex, to another celestial body? And maybe, we will be able to understand why this was destined to be made public throughout the world now.
We are living in the age of Aquarius
So let us look at Aquarius as defined by the dictionary.
A·quar·i·us (…-kwâr“¶-…s) n.1. A constellation in the equatorial region of the Southern Hemisphere near Pisces and Aquila. 2.a. The 11th sign of the zodiac, also called Water Bearer. b. One who is born under this sign. [Middle English, from Latin, water carrier, the constellation Aquarius, from aqua, water. See AQUA.]
What we want to do, is look at this from the standpoint of mythology because none of this ever happened, but the mythology of it describes a connection between astronomy and anatomy; between the universe and the mind/body.
When I say none of it ever happened, I mean that to understand mythology one must understand the symbols used for a story both anatomically, and astronomically.
God did not abduct a child for sex. But the story is telling us that this is one where the religious exploit children accordingly. This practice of sex with children was very much accepted in ancient Greece and Rome.
Aquarius is a constellation. It is also a Zodiacal sign. Aquarius is called the water bearer.
This is also the Man with the Pitcher of Water as described by Jesus in the Bible. In KJV Luke 22:10-12 we read:
10 And he said unto them, when you enter into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he enters. 11 And you shall say to the owner of the house, The Master wants us to ask you, where is the guest chamber, where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples? 12 And he shall show you a large upper room furnished.
The instruction was, when you see the man with the Pitcher of water go to the upper room and prepare the Passover.
Where Is the Upper Room?
The upper room is the mind, the man with the pitcher of water is the Age of Aquarius, and the Passover is the movement to a whole new consciousness that will destroy old traditions. So let us put this in the form of an inquiry into the Man with the Pitcher of Water, and see if there is a relevance to our subject at hand, namely the molestation of children by the religious.
Why The Children Say Nothing?
The situation as it occurs when religious people molest children, is that the children say nothing, because they are warned that what they are doing is for God, and as long as they say nothing they will be rewarded. When the children become adult, they are more prone not to believe that, yet it is still hard because the priest is so highly revered, and the family is deeply entrenched in the tradition of the church.
But did something cosmically happen that caused this to break wide open, and expose the institution and its leaders, and bring such shame upon them?
Let us look at the definition of the word catamite.
Cat·a·mite (k²t“…-mºt”): n. A boy who has a sexual relationship with a man. [Latin catamºtus, from Catamºtus, Ganymede, from Etruscan Catmite, from Greek Ganum¶d¶s.]
A Catamite is a boy who has a sexual relationship with a man. Now notice the next word Ganymede from Greek Ganumedes. Here we are introduced to another mythological character, Ganymede who has a sexual relationship with a man; a very special man.
Ganymede, in addition to being a mythological character, is also a celestial body. Ganymede is a satellite of the planet Jupiter. Now let us go back to the dictionary and define the word Ganymede.
Gan·y·mede (g²n“…-m¶d”): n. 1. Greek Mythology. A Trojan boy of great beauty whom Zeus carried away to be cupbearer to the gods. 2. One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the eighth in distance from the planet. Originally sighted by Galileo, it is one of the largest satellites in the solar system. [Latin Ganym¶d¶s, from Greek Ganum¶d¶s.]
The celestial definition identifies Ganymede as one of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter. The mythical definition is of a boy of great beauty who was carried away by Zeus to be cupbearer to the gods. Ganymede is literally molested. Molested by Zeus (God). He is the cupbearer or water bearer to the Gods. Let me tell the history of this.
Here is the first case of what could be considered a child being molested by the religious. Mythically of course, but the suggestion is there.
The term Catamite [mentioned above] is a direct translation of the Latin name Catamitus.
Cat·a·mite (k²t“…-mºt”) n. A boy who has a sexual relationship with a man. [Latin catamºtus, from Catamºtus, Ganymede, from Etruscan Catmite, from Greek Ganum¶d¶s.]
You can see the word Catamitus. Catamitus is a translation of the Greek name Ganymede as you can see above.
The Story of Ganymede

The Greek myth of Ganymede is of a young Trojan prince who legend says was the most beautiful boy in the world. One day while he was out watching his father’s sheep, the God Zeus spied him and fell in love with him instantly. Zeus sent one of his sacred eagles down to carry the boy off. He was brought up to Olympus where he became Zeus’ lover and cupbearer, and server to the gods.
As he grew into manhood (so the tale goes), he was placed into the universe as the constellation Aquarius, the man with the pitcher of water. Ganymede was placed into a sexual relationship with the holy ones. Yet he was only a child.
Greece & Rome
The myth of Ganymede was extremely popular in Greece and Rome where it was used to justify the common practice by adult males taking young boys as lovers. The current nightmare is nothing new. And keep in mind, Greece and Rome where this all started, are the geographical locations of where the most involved church was founded.
In the Middle Ages, the term Ganymede became a term for a young boy engaged by an older male for the purpose of pederasty which is man-boy sex. The term for that young boy is still catamite in our language. It was the way that the religious of the day justified sex between adults and children. This myth has taken upon itself a form of catalyst to bring forth a cleansing upon the earth.
Today we have the situation of men who were molested as boys coming forward, and the question is, is this a much bigger event coming from God. Because this is the time of the child who was forced into sex by the holy ones. Now as a man, he is opening the door to an evil secret, allowing all of us to see for ourselves.
The Art and Myth of Ganymede
Ganymede was the most beautiful of mortal boys and the son of the King of Troy during the Trojan war. Meanwhile Zeus, the king of the Gods of Olympus, was in need of a new cupbearer. His previous cupbearer Hebe the daughter of Hera had taken a fall during her duties. Zeus took the form of an eagle and abducted the boy from the Trojan plain. In Olympus Ganymede became Zeus’ new cupbearer and as the Greeks were wont to do, his lover. He was eventually placed in the stars as the constellation Aquarius.
This is The Age of Aquarius: The Man Who Was Ganymede, The Child
The Age of Aquarius came upon us December 21, 2012, and in reality, the age of Ganymede, the child who was forced into sex with the Gods. The child who was molested by those connected with God. That child is now the Man with the Pitcher of Water, Aquarius, and the man has come forth to tell how he was molested by the religious, and the men of earth have come forward to tell how they were molested by the religious.
Thus, the myth and the power of the universe has awakened on earth the story of Ganymede. The molestation of children by the God people, and it has burst forth in all of its ugly reality as a fulfillment from the heavenly, of cosmic power interceding directly into the lives and traditions of the earth.
As those of today who have molested children have taken the form of holy men, it was instituted into religion thousands of years earlier. That eagle as we know now was Zeus, representing the religious. An eagle carrying off the boy Ganymede could easily be a cleric of this day carrying off a child for the reason of sexual gratification.
The Synchronous Coincidence
Is there intelligent interference in the affairs of the earth from above? Was Carl Jung correct in saying that in many instances coincidence is synchronous. In other words, it is intended for a purpose?
What is the synchronous coincidence here? We are living in the age of the child who was molested by the God beings. Ganymede the boy, Aquarius the man. As the child was used to justify sexual molestation of children, the man Aquarius is used to cry out to the universe for justice for those children, and it has happened.
So, the question is: Is Aquarius (our present age), the age of children molested by the religious? Is Aquarius as the man who was molested as a child, the catalyst and force, for the revelation of this deep age-old secret.
This is not pedophilia. Pedophilia, or adults having sex with children is a disorder, in which for some reason an adult is stimulated by a child, either male, or female. Since we are discussing sex with children, one can consider this pedophilia, but actually it is not, because this is separate. It involves religious people, representatives of God, having sex with children. What is the word for that? The worldwide concern here is not pedophilia in general, but religious people having sex with children. Not only for sexual gratification but also because of religious beliefs.
There are various approaches one can take to this.
- It’s just a few people making it bad for the majority of good religious people.
- These things occurred 10 to 20 years ago; not now.
- This is something very secret and strange that is an actual part of the religious heritage of the western world.
Number 3 would be outrageous if true because it is something that has not even been discussed by anyone in the media before.
Is this activity of religious people having sex with children known, and approved by a secretive religious tradition, and if so, why? When we get to the root of this, will we find that the implications are, that it was an approved activity within the secretive religious cults that practice it?
Aquarius-Present Culture
Suddenly this explodes in the approach to Aquarius, the age of the child Ganymede who was sexually molested by the holy ones and who became Aquarius. The reason for the explosion is twofold.
1. We entered the Age of Aquarius.
2. The current culture has zero tolerance for this, while in the past it was either accepted or ignored.
We see the religious scattering to meet with the press and declare this will never happen again etc., but would they be doing that if they had not been caught? Would they have brought this to the attention of the public and the authorities on their own? The obvious answer is no.
Not A Sin
This was not looked upon by the religious as something bad, in fact it was considered something good. Thus, no sin. It has its roots in the Ganymede mythology of Greece and Rome. In addition, Father Shanley, a former priest, who was a founder of NAMBLA declared the rightness of an adult child sexual relationship as a way of freeing the child from inhibitions etc. So just as he declared this as a positive thing, the ancients declared sex with children as a positive thing, and it was the involvement of the holy ones (Zeus and the Gods) that became the foundation for this approach, and it came to the western world from the foundation of our social and religious culture, Greece and Rome.
The religious transfer people who do these things, and they do not report these activities to the police because within their secret society it really is a good thing for the child, as it was for Ganymede, who became Aquarius because of his service as a child lover to the Gods.
Serving The Gods
cat·a·mite (k²t“…-mºt”) n. = A boy who has a sexual relationship with a man. [Latin catamºtus, from Catamºtus, Ganymede, from Etruscan Catmite, from Greek Ganum¶d¶s.]
You see the word catamite which is a boy who has sexual relationship with a man connected to the word Ganymede who was a boy abducted by the God Zeus as cupbearer and lover to himself and the Gods.
That’s the key here. The child served the gods. And it was considered a good thing.
Breaking Down the Word CATAMITE
Let us look at the root of catamite, the child who has sex with an adult.
CATA means to strike down. Cata is down, decline, breakdown; Catacomb, down and hollow.
Ganymede: A boy as an object for a male. Ganymede as a young Trojan prince said to have been the most beautiful Boy. Zeus fell in love with him and kidnapped him to Olympus perhaps as a lover but certainly to serve as cup bearer for the gods.
Now here is our heritage: In Rome, boy lovers of adult males were known as Ganymedes or Catamite. Perhaps cata in catamite denotes the kidnapping or separation of Ganymede from a natural environment. We see cata as striking one down or lowering one from a natural environment, which of course is done with the molestation of children.
MITE means small.
In church they have a mite box which is placed somewhere where people can place their pennies or change and the money is used for church purposes and called a mite box. The word mite is also used more often in England to suggest a small amount, as “just a mite.” Or, “that was a mite unfair.” So, the word means small.
Think of the word termite. Something very small. Then we have the word catamite meaning to bring down out of the natural environment something (or in this case), some one very small. A Child.
Let us look at the word Pederast, or boy love.
Pederast: Boy to love.
Pederasty: Male perversion to find sexual pleasure in boys.
Ganymede, or the beautiful boy and cupbearer and server of Zeus and the gods of Olympus. Ganymede may denote pederasty.
It was the habit of adult Greek males to seek young boys as lovers which they justified by the stories about Zeus and his love for Ganymede. From the same place where the Bible originated, Greece, came the justification for adults seeking young boys as lovers. They justified it. It was good because it was of God. It was good because the children were serving the gods. The children were serving God’s representatives. A priest is considered a representative of God on Earth.
Religious Sex
What we are presenting here is not pedophilia, but religious sex with children, and the reason why these people are transferred to continue this practice and not reported to the authorities, is because it is in this secret society looked upon as a good thing. At least it was for thousands of years before Aquarius the former Ganymede blew the whistle. Now all of a sudden (because they got caught), to the holy ones, it is a bad thing. Why would they think it is ok to have sex with a child or boy? Let us look at Ganymede and we may see a reason.
In antiquity before the arrival of the patriarchal solar gods, (patriarchal means father or man image) the task of preparing and serving the nectar of the Gods (I will leave to your imagination what that is) belonged to the beautiful Hebe Goddess of eternal youth and daughter of Hera the Great Mother.
When Zeus conquered the throne of the gods, he forced Hera to marry him and then constantly humiliated her with his infidelity. As a sign of his supremacy, he took the young Hebe’s task away from her, using the fact that she had fallen as his excuse.
There we see the first example of the religious degrading of women. Woman in religion never really has recovered. The Bible is filled with admonitions against women talking in church or in any way helping, but she is required to simply stay quiet.
As we study why sex with children or boys became acceptable, we see the first sign. The lowering of the status of women. In her place he put the handsome Ganymede with whom he had fallen in love. The love of Zeus for Ganymede and that of Apollo for Hyacinthus were the first examples of male love in the Greek religion.
Notice the word religion in that last line above. This is not pedophilia. This is a religious practice that allows one to avoid contact with women who are thought to be below the status of the male. Here is where it gets very interesting.
In the case of Ganymede, this form of amorous passion accentuated the victory of patriarchy (man/father) over matriarchy (female/mother) because of the independence that the man acquired in obtaining pleasure without the help of a woman. Now we are starting to see something very curious here. Something in the religious belief that adds to our understanding of why the holy ones who violate children are not turned over to the police, and yet are transferred from place to place to continue their child molesting. This is in religious history, an accepted way of the male obtaining pleasure without the help of a woman.
The Bible
Let’s take this out of mythology and the ancient Greek culture which actually wrote the Bible, and into the Bible itself. This is a Biblical quote from the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 7:1.
“Now concerning the things whereof, you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.”
It goes on to say, to avoid fornication, a man should have a wife. But primarily the Biblical perspective is, that it is good that a man not touch a woman. Then if the religious cannot touch a woman and they cannot refrain from sex, what are they going to touch?
A Religious Problem Totally Abnormal
You see the problem for the religious. They are trained that woman is sub-servant to man. That the sub status of woman comes from God. That none of Jesus disciples were women. They are admonished that a man should not touch a woman. Then on top of that, the foundation of this heritage from Greece and Rome, justified as from God, includes the sexual relationships of men with boys.
Having been the guardian of the intellectual and the priestly life, women were now relegated to the condition of unpaid domestic workers and procreators of children. I want you to see that phrase, guardian of the priestly life. Servers of the priests were no longer women but now were replaced by boys, including altar boys.
The Boys Choir
Let me show how deep into tradition this activity came. Have you heard of the Vienna Boys Choir? You see them most often around Christmas time. They sing with very high voices. When the churches in Europe originally were forming choirs, they could not get sopranos from women because women were not allowed on the altar. So, they got young boys to sing, since they were able to hit the high notes and did not violate the condition of women on the altar. A scandal erupted in Princeton, New Jersey, with accusations of teachers molesting boys in the local boys’ choir. In addition, we have the scandal of Europe involving the Pope’s Brother and a boys’ choir.
Why Children? Why Not Reported?
Zeus gave the young man immortality and placed his image among the stars as the constellation Aquarius. Why did the religious take boys for sex, (aside from the question of pedophilia.)? Because the Bible tells them that man should not touch woman, and because woman was severely downgraded in stature in antiquity. Why was this situation not made public or reported to police, and why were the people doing this transferred from place to place with good recommendations? Because this activity was justified via ancient tradition from Greece and Rome, and by the Zeus Ganymede story associating child sex with God, and the representatives of the Gods.
The Flow
Let us see how this was further distorted, and look deeply at how this situation can be interpreted by religious people who justify it. Ganymede, the cup bearer of the Gods, has ever been a symbol of Aquarius in Greek mythology. We find in the name Ganymede the explanation of his office. Gany is derived from the same root as the Sanskrit Ganga or Ganges. The Ganges is the principal sacred river in India. The first part of the name Ganymede therefore, refers to a sacred river or cleansing stream. Mede is an old form of mead and refers to wine, honey, sweet drink, or one made of manna. It is clearly analogous (similar) to the cerebral esse which forms the basis of all the fluids of the body.
Bodily Fluids

When you connect that statement of bodily fluids, to the sexual content of all this, and the current situation of religious sex with children, it becomes a literal mind blower, and one that is so difficult to pursue any further. Is this what the flow from the man Aquarius means, and what the flow from the boy Ganymede meant? Let us read further.
Callirrhoe is a Latin word meaning beautiful flow, therefore being the perfect rhythm, while Dardanus means produce of Jupiter and Electra or an electrical current. These two names are similar to a beautiful or perfect fluid endowed with the fire of life. What does that mean? Or should we not ask?
Note: The water of Aquarius indeed flows into and through Vishnu, the Southern Fish of Pisces.
Out of antiquity has come the answer to the question, why religious do not choose to touch women, and why they truly find this activity to be of God, and how bizarre as it may seem. Both Ganymede as the child flow, and Aquarius as the man flow, may indicate something beyond what anyone has ever considered in the past.
A Sacred Relationship

As we look at Supernova 1987a, what do we see? We see a supernova seed a galaxy with all the compounds of new life, but can we envision a sacred relationship to our universe that tells us how to live? Instead of creating a sacred relationship with our universe, we have created sacred relationships with groups, and people who fight and bomb one another, and carry out these horrible acts with children. To overcome all of this horror we must turn to consciousness, because the changes coming upon the earth are in the form of messages to consciousness. Messages that come from above via Photon, which is the messenger particle.
Messages from Supernova 1987a, messages from Eta Carinae, messages from Uranus, messages from Vela, and messages from the man with the pitcher of water who was molested by the holy ones. Yes, messages from Aquarius. Messages that open the door on the evil which we are seeing now, and messages which open the door to Gods healing, which we are seeing politicians with distorted understanding trying to block.
The Messengers
In this age of invention, in this age of Aquarius, the messengers have sent down the information that has led to the understanding of the human genome, and set the stage for the healing of the most horrible diseases, but the ignorant still stand against God, thinking they are doing right.
As the Bible says, they call good evil and evil good. You and I must be open to the messenger. We must receive the message which will actually prepare the way for the coming of the supreme light, the Lord God. The cleansing has begun. Aquarius has brought forth the truth of Ganymede and the cleansing is coming upon the earth. The cleansing is being brought by the messenger. The photon. The light beings, and you and I must be open to their message by our meditation.
The Messenger & The Temple
“Behold I will send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to his temple even the messenger of the covenant whom you delight in, behold he shall come says the Lord of Hosts.” ~ Malachi 3:1
As the message from Aquarius has come to Earth to cleanse it of the rape of the child by the Godly ones, the message also has come to the scientists to bring forth healing, and, most important, to you. The message has come to you to bring forth the beginning of the new consciousness. Are you connecting to the cosmic network to receive your message? Are you visiting the cosmic temple (which is your mind), to receive the messenger? We have gone through all of the aspects of the messenger being light, of the temple being your mind, and of the Lord of Hosts being what we refer to as the holy Ghost. I hope it is clear to you.
Church Child Abuse Was Once Considered Okay
Read more at Bill Donahue’s official website