Resources for Mental Defenses

The Power of The Mind: Resources for Mental Defenses

Channeled by Domingos Yezzi, on 13/06/2003. Assisted by INK, leader of planet AGA, the 7th planet in our Solar System, not yet discovered by science. [Translated by Christina C. Breault]

The question is: how to defend against enemies, whose actions and evil thoughts against their victims, without them even knowing or even imagining that such attitudes can exist and be highly harmful?

The first and simplest step is: “Tell me who you hang out with or what thoughts you have and I’ll tell you who you are!”.

The individual who has thoughts that are negative, morbid, unhealthy, pernicious, vindictive, mean and cruel, envious, vicious, and many others; he carries within himself all the vibrations corresponding to these thoughts, reflecting in his aura the opaque and brownish colors, bloody and related to other elements and entities that think and act in the same way as he does. Around him, a negative magnetic link is formed and, at the same time, passive and corresponding colors of low vibration that attracts the elements of the same affinity and these elements come to him, “loaded” with all possible and unimaginable ills, aggregated of all the feelings nourished and thickened against him, which, added to his personal vibrations, which, at this point, are also not few, forming on this individual a kind of bunch of microorganisms in the form of protozoa, in the guise of “ticks” and miasmas, which will mine and exude vital tone, both from the physical and perispirit, that is, the psychosomatic system that includes the endocrine and lymphatic system, stationing in the organic areas of greater ease, such as leeches, and that are transported by physical, energetic and mental contact, because the depressed mind is also the main thread of all these ills. As a result, pre-existing diseases are aggravated, which start to develop rapidly, unbalancing the individual and collective personality, producing a radiative focus of disconcerting attitudes, actions and undesirable charisms that contaminate an entire population, where that individual or group of individuals inhabit, mainly their homes, family members and closest friends, who end up “ingesting” those deleterious contents, for which they are not directly responsible, however, they encouraged it with their low pattern of thoughts.

Defense Resources

On the other hand, if the individual is positivist and his thoughts are constructive, of love for others, humanitarian and he, constantly, when lying down, before going to sleep, elevates them to whom he believes most and to be superior, makes his vibrations, or even prayers, which are positive “mantras” in tune with the Creator, will create an illuminating, brilliant energy field of physical and psychic defense, impenetrable, which will repel any and all contrary negative vibrations. A protective link will form around his entire body, which will be his energetic aura that will protect him against possible harassment during sleep, from his “good friends,” tormentors and their possible victims. He should do the same thing in the morning when he gets up, adding on himself, imagining and thinking firmly, that solid light coming from Above and covering his entire itinerary, the entire route he will take to get around during the day, whether inside his home, inside any collective, or inside his car. He should fervently visualize that light over everything and everyone, where he knows he will pass or that he will pass without knowing in advance. Thus, it will be luminous and illuminated, and the greater the content of this illumination, the less it will be detected by undesirable people or Entities. The aura composed of good thoughts will have strong and potent colors and will repel, or disintegrate, everything that is evil and is sent against him and his family members, who will be, so to speak, covered by the scope of that light that he materialized; however, if everyone does the same thing, each one in turn, in their moments of recollection, then the resources of mental defense will be redoubled, thus avoiding accidents and disastrous events. This does not mean that those individuals who have now learned to deal with their mental emanations and energy fields will be free from their guilt. They won’t be! But they can ease their anguish and the sufferings of many people! Everything that has no affinity and is contrary to his nature and those for whom he is responsible, will disintegrate the moment it collides with his aura and his mental waves.

“Pray and watch” this is the powerful motto, which was revealed more than two thousand years ago and that the earthly human being still did not know how to give due value!

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