How Worlds Come into Existence?
A divine explanation on how existence comes into being
Extraterrestrial Studies
A divine explanation on how existence comes into being
I know that powerful forces move it, I know that its 6,000-year cycle is necessary and…
“… you will not be caught in an earthquake if you do not want to be …”
Author contactee Domingos Yezzi explains solar storms
“It is bad enough to believe that you are at the mercy of ONE past, but to consider yourself helpless before innumerable previous errors from other lives puts you in an impossible situation …”
If the Earth is hollow, where is the magma that says the Earth’s core is glowing?
Channeled by Domingos Yezzi, on 13/06/2003; assisted by INK, leader of planet AGA, the 7th planet in our Solar System.
Channeled by Domingos Yezzi, on 06/08/2003; assisted by INK, leader of planet AGA, the 7th planet in our Solar System.
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