Meaning of Mantras
What do mantras mean?
Extraterrestrial Studies
What do mantras mean?
What does this mean?
“It is not my intention here to make an apology for the negative, much less the negativism, which would be the opposite of the positive and the positivism, just as the shadow is the opposite of light, the left is the opposite of the right, the color black would be the opposite of the white color, and in …”
All life forms have a consciousness, and we can tap into it and speak to them, from our physical world.
Desire for revenge or justice?
Origin of Mankind: Adam, The First Laboratory Baby
Subdivision of our solar system into two new solar systems after …
The evolved beings, whatever planets they are from, have as a principle to be fair and would not contradict the Cosmic Laws, because …
Who created homo sapiens and what is its origin?
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