Everything in The Physical Plane Has a Copy, or “Double” in The Astral
“The spiritual realm, or the energetic parallel world, which surrounds the Earth and consequently involves us all …”
Extraterrestrial Studies
“The spiritual realm, or the energetic parallel world, which surrounds the Earth and consequently involves us all …”
“… The Bermuda Triangle, which has the same function or phenomena of “swallowing” airplanes and …”
“The inhabitant makes the habitat and the habitat makes the inhabitant!”
“In the Universe exist beings of all types …”
“There have been several cases of Elementals [of Nature] registered, or …”
“Fesp is behind in time equivalent to our ancient troglodytes …”
Each ray has a wavelength, therefore, each color as well.
“… what we call dream has its causes in some factors …”
“They come down with their ships in large caves …”
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