What Should Be The Relation of Weight and Mass on Our Planet?
“There are more mysteries in between heaven and earth than your vain philosophy can imagine …”
Extraterrestrial Studies
“There are more mysteries in between heaven and earth than your vain philosophy can imagine …”
“The positive forces of both the Earth and the Universe are bigger and more powerful than them. …”
“The Crop Cicles are a kind of living mandalas that …”
Is it true that solar flares affect human consciousness and earthquakes on Earth? Is the sun harmful?
“Billions of years ago, what really existed were gases and particles that were …”
“He knows that our humanity has a karma nothing positive …”
“Just as fire does not mean cold light, light does not mean fire either, much less heat. …”
“In my view, all of this, the Confederation, the Reptilians and other manifestations, are …”
Almost all the evolved planets, that I have made known, their populations are objective. …”
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