To the Intruder or Sanitizing Astral Body, Siderius
I know that powerful forces move it, I know that its 6,000-year cycle is necessary and…
Studies & Tips on Self-Improvement
I know that powerful forces move it, I know that its 6,000-year cycle is necessary and…
Easter Decoded by Pastor Bill Donahue with comments by Chris Breault
Are there any connections with the 7 dwarfs and the 7 chakras or the 7 seals spoken of in Revelation?
According to the Bible, what did Jesus really say about Gays and Homosexuals?
“… you will not be caught in an earthquake if you do not want to be …”
Those who will live the Golden Age are the true elite
“Asking your relationship with any other to be the basis of buoying you up is never a good idea …”
“It is bad enough to believe that you are at the mercy of ONE past, but to consider yourself helpless before innumerable previous errors from other lives puts you in an impossible situation …”
Channeled by Domingos Yezzi, on 06/08/2003; assisted by INK, leader of planet AGA, the 7th planet in our Solar System.
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