How to Brainwash an Entire Nation
The cultural subversion of the world, according to Yuri Bezmenov.
Studies & Tips on Self-Improvement
The cultural subversion of the world, according to Yuri Bezmenov.
The Power of The Mind, The Consequences of Positive and Negative Thinking, The Origin and Birth of Divine Sparks
How to predict toxic relationships
“What is still missing for us to reach other levels of evolved planets?”
“Homosexuality, lesbianism, have their deep causes in the Perispirit, which had a different sexuality from the one he had to assume now, through karma or
Everything is a thought first; and thoughts are beliefs!
Making Peace with My Today Will Improve My Future …
The evolved beings, whatever planets they are from, have as a principle to be fair and would not contradict the Cosmic Laws, because …
Are there no victims?
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