Talking about the End of the World …

Talking again about the so spoken and infamous End of The World I must inform the following to all the readers and humanity in general:

The Planet Earth, as well as the entire Solar System… As I am informed by the Superior Entities, among which, the Extraterrestrials, who are the Disincarnated Higher Spirits and who “live” in the terrestrial Astral, or in the so called Parallel Universe and, it is the Extraterrestrials who are the inhabitants of other planets, alive elements of highly positive intelligence and who differ from our biotype in their biophysical forms, according to my binomial: “The Habitat makes the inhabitant and the Inhabitant makes the Habitat.” Consequently, each being makes his physical body in conformity with what Nature, or Creator, called by them as The Cosmic Central Core, has made available to them. Therefore, in these cases, life exists and manifests itself in the whole Universe with its own characteristics to each planet or “habitat,” being Earth, although beautiful and wonderful, the Habitat with the most rudimentary civilizations which still have intestines and use their smaller own kind, such as the animals, insects and counterparts for feeding, making it difficult [for them] to expand mentally, physically and spiritually. All these details can be read and studied in my books: “What The Extraterrestrials Think About and Expect from Us?” and “The DNA of The Spirit and The Extraterrestrials” which are being translated by my official translator Christina C. Breault, where these beings are shown with reality and as the individuals with experience and millennial technologies, much older than our own, having already assisted in several planetary and stellar transformations, including our planet Earth, which is considered by them as a young planet but mistreated by its inhabitants who forget that despite being a planet it’s a living physical body with diseases and anomalies, subject to great changes and periodic transformations as the rest of the planets in the Universe. Thus, the planet Earth, for millions of years, has been suffering these geological and genetic mutations, but never went through an “end of the world,” but indeed several ends of “ages” and major changes in abilities and inhabitants. For me, as for them, the End of The World would only be real, it would only exist, if the planet Earth would explode in space and spread its pieces everywhere in the outer space. Outside of this, there isn’t and there won’t be the end of the world.

I make some comparisons that will better demonstrate the type of End of the World that the current so insecure humanity and in the hands of some manufacturers of wars and cataclysms so much expect. The End of The World occurred when the Egyptians invaded their neighboring lands and imprisoned and decimated their inhabitants. The same occurred when David invaded neighboring lands and allowed his soldiers to rape women and children and, as if nothing had happened and being responsible for nothing, would return to his tent in the desert and inspiringly wrote his Psalms, which nowadays serve as comfort for many people. It also occurred when the Hittite people invaded the old Turkey, copying its predecessors in wickedness and inhumanities. It occurred also when Rome invaded and seized the properties of its enemies, enslaving them, including the Greeks whom they called their countrymen, committing the most sordid atrocities against other peoples and later against the Christians, who were thrown to the lions as they watched and clapped their hands. It also occurred when the Mongol people slaughtered peoples and everything that went by. The End of The World also occurred for the Jews, victims of the holocaust of the second war, and also when the Japanese people received the atomic bombs in the head and most recently the Tsunami. The End of the World occurred for the victims of the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, as it’s being in these moments for the victims of car-bombs, the ones that are being assassinated, the ones that are being run by cars, the ones that are in prison with life sentences or not, for the ones being subjugated by all sorts of drugs, without going further as there is no room in this article that I could explain so many “Ends of Worlds.” Therefore, indeed there will be the end of an age and the beginning of other new age, with new perspectives, new mental, physical, spiritual and moral standards. [There will be] New geological locations, resurgences of missing continents such as of Lemuria and Atlantis, and the disappearance of some peoples as occurred with the Mayans, Aztecs, Toltecs, Incas, Egyptians, the people of Easter Island and hundreds of others that had their “Ends of the World,” their collapsing Ages, and who left to us, the people of this Modern Age, their megalithic monuments as lesson for us to pay attention that one day everything changes, everything is recycled, and Nature — the Cosmic Central Core — God, through “Time — The Bacteria of the Universe” (a chapter in my second book, “The DNA of the Spirit and The Extraterrestrials”), is paying attention and to everything extends, being invincible in all quarters of the Universe, visible and invisible. The End of the World will always be to those of obtuse mind, small range, ignorant, wicked, exploiters of others’ good faith, usurpers and embezzlers of the economy of a people, dishonored politicians, and other public men who use and abuse their “positions of power” given to them by the people and for the people, and they think they will escape the Divine Justice. To those, the End of The World will be terrible and deadly!

Wherefore, THERE WON’T BE THE END OF THE WORLD, BUT THE END OF AN AGE, to the good of humanity in general. The chaff will be separated from the wheat, as it was foreseen for millennia by the great Avatar and by great clairvoyants. The garbage, the slag human will have their appropriate place in the new “dumps of space,” as has been the Earth until now!”

~ Domingos Yezzi, May 16, 2012 [Translated by Christina C. Breault]

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