The Power of the Mind and What Are Thoughts

Channeled by Domingos Yezzi, on 03/06/2006. Assisted by INK, leader of planet AGA, the 7th planet in our Solar System, not yet discovered by science.

Thoughts are generated by the Spirit, by the Perispirit, by the Mind (which would be the iron will that connects those two elements to the brain neurons) and finally, the Brain, which will be the physical emitting center and the filter that will carry out the formation of waves and energetic and semi-material forms of ideas that will be launched into space, for or against other people, or on oneself, negatively or positively.

Thoughts are not just simple emanations arising from mental and brain activities! In fact, they create forms and patterns, according to the spiritual nature of the one who emits them. For example: an individual, whose Spirit, Perispirit and Mind, are constantly harassed by morbid feelings, envy, evil, jealousy, unhealthy pessimism, frustrations, fears and dreads, depressions and various phobias, criminal instinct and who plans indirectly these imbalances, in a matter of seconds, he manages to form on himself or mold the forms corresponding to each of his feelings, and at the same time, he will give forms of thoughts to all of them, which will hover over his head and his physical body, and will foster miasmas and bacteria harmful to his health and the health of others thereafter, if the emissions are steady and continuous; everything he came to think about will materialize on him and on the people he wants to reach. It’s something like a “wave of tiny fluidic locusts” that will hover in the air, hoping to penetrate through the individual’s own plexuses and chakras that emitted them, or will they seek out the weak sources of energy input from other people of the same affinity, that is, those that are thinking like him, whether or not they are his enemies. This deleterious cloud will gather, will aggregate over the organs for which they were produced and which are negatively prepared by their bearers, to attract it magnetically, and after being lodged, they will undermine the physical and perispiritual regions, which will give rise to the production of the illness or equivalent ailments. Each environment has a “pernicious fluidic population”, produced by the sum of the mental emanations of each resident or visitor, which, inadvertently, will carry it with them and dump it on their family environment and their relatives, who innocently, or because they are also in the same negative frequency, they will contract all the diseases brought there. Consequently, other disturbances and disharmonies “due to unknown causes” will occur later on, which will mainly affect children and the elderly, if they exist in the residence or in places, which due to their naivety and respective weaknesses are, so to speak, “live antennas” capturing everything that is hovering in the air, as they do not have the self-defense of the knowledge of how to get rid of those energies and the awareness and experience necessary for a simple intuitive detection, thus being exposed to a perniciousness produced by another family member or of society, often made by the head of the family or clan, whose weight of responsibility is even greater than that of the others, as he would have as a principle and obligation to watch over other entities and, above all, to watch over where he goes and for his own actions and thoughts. Added to that sentence: “Tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you who you are!” we would say this other one: “Tell me what you think and I will tell you what the result of your thoughts will be!”.

In the places where unruly people gather, anxious to satisfy all kinds of vices and pleasures, where drugs, tobacco, alcohol, morbid passions, criminal machinations and other variants hover; the fetid and deleterious fluids emanating from this set of thoughts, aggregated or isolated, are like living food for those astral populations. Therefore, in a civilized village or in a village made up of savages with a low level of mental and spiritual development, although they may be kind in feeling and peace loving, the thoughts, although warriors, hardly go beyond the scale of the primordial needs of food and materials, but as soon as a new element of another race and other customs appears among them, there is a drastic change of behavior and alteration of the “way of thinking” of the community or tribe; for Good if the new element is also pure and positivist, or for Evil, if it comes from another evil community full of vices and consequent unruly thoughts. There may be, respectively, great technical and social progress, or a total regression, to the point where the entire community could be exterminated, either by the diseases that would germinate there, or by invasions by other envious communities or tribes that seek other riches, of which they would be deprived. We can point out, with certainty, that all that disharmony, imbalance and extermination, were generated by the bad thoughts of the community or the tribe, mainly, emanating from the minds of their chiefs who inadvertently changed their way of thinking and led to their people the flow of thoughts coming from the outside to the inside, produced by Spiritual Entities or by members of other communities, who were already “eyeing” their wealth or their women, in sum, everything they had to spare. Let’s give an example here: it is known, historically, that prevailed in Europe from the 14th and 15th centuries onwards, the spirit of conquest of other lands, of other continents, mainly among the Spaniards and Portuguese, who already deprived of wealth and worshiping the greed and vile feelings, they went out into the seas in search of other conquests, and for that they did not measure efforts and did not hold on to the feeling of humanity, they mercilessly killed native peoples, passing over kings and local organizations; In this way, some Spanish generals left for South America, with their thoughts emanating and united in this task and one of them, when faced in Peru with all those riches and ostentation of the kings and local peoples, decided to invade and dominate those peoples who were peaceful and helpless, made promises and relied on the subservience of local potentates. They broke those promises and exterminated all those “innocent people” and stole all their riches, altering their customs and even the language spoken among the peoples of those nations, who began to speak Spanish, allowing themselves be dominated by those people without morals and without scruples, who squandered their riches leaving them in total misery! We say all this and highlight “innocent people” in order to explain that they were not innocent as one would think, as they cultivated death by sacrificing their victims and their enemies among the population itself and of their virgins who were offered as a holocaust to their “pagans” gods, as a long time later, large caves were found containing thousands of human skulls and skeletons, all piled up in a programmed way as if it had been done by experienced personnel accustomed to those macabre rituals. This means that those people, through their leaders and shamans, cultivated negative thinking and attracted into their civilization other members of civilizations a little more advanced, but with the same malignant affinities and thoughts of greed and ignorance, and that persist until today, transforming the earthly world into this heap of crimes and fratricidal wars, guided by evil thinking and feelings of false superiority, pride and impunity, but we want to believe that just as those civilizations had their final days, our current one is also in countdown times, and in their final throes, and woe to those who cannot tune their thoughts and feelings with the Cosmic Evolutionary Laws! The so-called “fluidic locusts” have already spread and contaminated a large part of the minds and physicists of terrestrial humanity, and there will be few who will be called “chosen” or “chaff“, for the day of final separation.

Earth humans should be more careful with their thoughts. They should learn how to formulate them, how to control them and do a self-review or mental self-analysis, to know definitively that: “Likeness attracts likeness” and that if they were given just a minute, to see what they think and what they generate with their evil thoughts, and at the same time, immediately feel what they produce with them, and what hangs over their heads and around them, both physically and spiritually, they would certainly flee in terror from there or from themselves!

Domingos Yezzi [Translated by Christina Breault]

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