The Present Is Your Point Of Power

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“Those of you who believe in reincarnation in more or less conventional terms, can make the error of using or blaming ‘past’ lives, organizing them through your current beliefs.

“It is bad enough to believe that you are at the mercy of ONE past, but to consider yourself helpless before innumerable previous errors from other lives puts you in an impossible situation; the conscious will is robbed of its power to act.

“Such lives exist simultaneously. They are other expressions of yourself, interacting, but with EACH conscious self-possessing the point of power in its own present. It is for this reason that ‘past-life information’ is so often used to reinforce current personal social situations—because, like the past in this life, such memories are constructed through present belief.

“If such information is given to you by another, by a psychic, for example, that individual is also very apt to pick up those ‘lives’ that make sense to you now, and—unconsciously of course—to structure them precisely along the lines of your beliefs. This may not SEEM obvious.

“If an individual believes that he is basically unworthy he will recall, or be given, those lives that justify that idea. If he thinks he must pay for his sins now, then that belief will attract memory of those lives that will reinforce it; this will be highly organized recall, leaving out everything that does not apply.

“The truth as far as it can be stated is this: YOU FORM YOUR REALITY NOW, through the intersection of soul in flesh, and in YOUR terms the present is your point of power.”

SETHThe Nature of Personal Reality, Session 657 [Translated by Chris Breault]

Incredible Books Through Shaman & Channeler Robert Shapiro

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