The Urgency of the Moment

Think about it, while everything seems to be calm, it just seems to be, but it is not. Now look at the U.S.A problem; the population in a certain panic, unemployment, martial law, lack of energy of all kinds, lack of food, lack of government, lack of authority. Leaderless countries, all falling apart, one wanting to steal the other’s food supply. Extremely cold places, others extremely hot. Millions and millions dying with the Bible in hand, and at that [appointed] time, you won’t even be able to read the words, let alone pray and focus. While praying, panic will dominate each one, each home, each population. This is just a minuscule summary, so I ask: Why not take it seriously now that everything seems [yet] calm and lead our brain, mind and spirit towards the union of all for the rescue of all? I assure you, all the promises made by pastors and leaders of religions, sects and doctrines, which proclaim the Christification of humanity or the moral and spiritual uplift of all peoples, will be of no use at the crucial moment. Everyone has to prepare intimately for what will follow, in short, for what will come. As I said and I repeat, I do not come here as a prophet, a bird of ill omen, savior of the country or of humanity, I do not have the quality for that, but the beings that accompany me have shown me terrible, horrendous, monstrous scenes that occur on the solar systems where Sidérius [Nibiru] is passing through. What has been happening is indescribable. Therefore, if I were to describe what I was already able to see, I would be so diminished that I would go crazy. Therefore, no one is here to play or take advantage, but, just to warn: Let us improve, as soon as possible, our inner self, our customs, our ways of thinking and, mainly, of acting or suffering will be catastrophic!!! Imagine that at the moment we have all the orders in place. But there will be times ahead when priests will go insane, ripping their cassocks and raping innocent people; desperate mothers killing their children so they don’t go through so many horrors; policemen leaving their posts, tearing up their uniforms, disappointed to have dedicated themselves so much to the job, and who now see that nothing was worth it; we will have traffickers killing themselves with their own poison, as they will see that nobody wants to use drugs [anymore] and hatred for them will fall without appeal. And the money??? It won’t do us any good!!! While now, if we all unite all that is being foreseen, it can be MITIGATED.

I advise all of us, without exception, to stop with prefabricated philosophies and to urgently put into practice everything we have learned so far, whether at home, at school, in social, in traffic, etc. Families, owners of industries, businesses, different organizations, politicians, military personnel of all ranks, and even the traffickers, drug users, etc., let us leave all dilemmas and differences behind and focus only on the environment, the habitat, children, young people, schools, teachers, technicians of all classes, musicians and, finally, all other classes. Let us unite for the common good, let us stop enriching with the misfortunes of others, because the day is very close, where everything will narrow down for humanity and who will be able to stand out for the better will be those without any need of religions, sects or doctrines, because they can only teach you to walk a certain way, but they will not give salvation for sure. Think about it! Feel your subtle Higher Forces that inspire you to all those who are in tune and consistent vibration. Good luck to all of us in all countries.

~ Domingos Yezzi, on November 4, 2013, São Paulo, Brazil [Translated by Chris Breault]

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