What Are the Akashic Records?

“They are the most sensitive and precise forms of universal recordings, created naturally, by the Cosmic Central Core—God to measure each particle and their actions and movements within the universal immensity. Because, as huge and at the same time so multi-form as is, which would be impossible for any human or non-human being, physical or angelical, from this or any other planet, even if they would possess the most perfect instrument of mental or magnetic rating, to measure them without making mistakes or injustices. “Not a leaf drops from a tree without the father knowing,” said the Great Avatar. Consequently, as it creates itself (See pages 64 through 72, Chapter 24, of my first book “What the Extraterrestrials Think About and Expect From Us?,” a chapter entitled “Where Did We Come From, Who Are We and Where Do We Go To — Modern Genesis — Cosmic-Sidereal Poem”). “In summary, there it says: “It was the absolute nothingness, from self-deformation and spontaneous generation came the Divine consciousness. Subsequently, God agglutinated and the Core Cosmic arose. This is only the first verse of this poem, which I think is one of the most rational, intricate poems that I’ve ever channeled in my whole life! It should be read from beginning to end, several times until fully understood and comprehended, because, without false modesty, it is a rational march on the origin of God and His universe, which will demonstrate a true god, without religious and dogmatic connotations, and yet someone that no human being should fear, nor blindly worship, but indeed, become involved with him and his Natural Laws of Action and Reaction, Cause and Effect, within the precepts that each one is God, even as the Great Avatar said, “as Him, or greater than Him, we shall also do.” “Therefore, the Akashic Records are the most authentic and faithful recordings and at the same time multi-dimensional archives at the disposal of human beings and all existing things or yet to exist in the universe, through which each one can be sure of the exact application of all the Universal Laws, without protectionism, without big-shots, without politics, without corruption, and that at the exact moment, not before and not after, what was thought, even in the most depth of the inner being, or the most hidden or open actions, it will, or it has already been, recorded and it will have its return in the exact same dosage and speed without a less or more micro second. Giving, thus, full guarantees to every being, mentally, physically or spiritually advanced, that nothing will be forgotten, nothing will go unnoticed by the Greater Justice — the Divine. “They were created inside the naturalness and the automaticity as everything within the universe, which had its origin in the Cosmic Central Core! They are like a great universal magnetic tape, like a gigantic DNA of the Universal Spirit of God, as well as the DNA of physical genetics and DNA of the Spirit. The three, Akashic Records (Universal DNA), physical DNA and spiritual DNA, run always together. Sometimes in parallel route, sometimes interlaced among themselves, but never separately, never in front or behind the other, whether in the past, the present or the future, but in the Eternal Now where everything is unveiled, without barriers of any kind, to the Spirits of High Lineage. I can affirm, in spite of the strangeness that I may cause, that not even God, the Cosmic Central Core, may interfere or delete [these records] for it was He¹ who constructed this mathematical magnitude and Himself¹ would or will not accept failures in His¹ eternal divine conceptions, thus, they are divine! There is one more factor which runs parallel or interlaced with those other three, whilst it is also invisible, but cutting to the extreme, which is the Time, indestructible, relentlessly devouring everything that is in the Universe, perhaps it is it the factor created by God and that comes closest to God, having deserved a specific chapter in my second book “The DNA of The Spirit and The Extraterrestrials,” chapter 24, page 207, “Time — The Bacteria of the Universe.”

~ Domingos Yezzi, June 1, 2012 [Translated by Christina C. Breault]

¹ Here, where the asexuality of God and His/Hers omnipresence and omniscience is everywhere, we make references to God as “He” solely for linguistic accommodations.

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