What Lineage of ET Contacted Pope John XXIII?


Mr. Yezzi, would you know what lineage [of ET] contacted Pope John XXIII, in the gardens of Castelgandolfo? The being was tall, had pointed ears and, according to his secretary, they talked for 20 minutes! Thanks!

Elisabeth B. (Teresópolis, RJ)


Dear Elisabeth,

Except for some beings of small stature, for example: 1mt10, which are called grays, in this case, they are from the planet Mercury, just because their clothes are greyish, not that they are bellicose, on the contrary, they are cheerful, very gentle and objective! They have already come down to see me, on the main avenue of Ribeirão Pires, in São Paulo. Most of the other beings in our solar system, apart from those of Mars and Venus, who are of medium height and are the ones who most resemble us, earthlings; almost all have pointed ears, which are typical features, are tall and thin, yet elegant and kind. I couldn’t say where he was from, but it certainly must have come from outside our Galaxy, for example, the Pleidians (from the Pleiades) who are constantly visiting our planet! It is a pity that the Pope did not report what was said at the meeting, but it must have been a good thing!

Here I am for any other questions, OK?

Hugs to you and everyone from Teresópolis!

DYezzi::. [Translated by Christina C. Breault]

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