What’s On The Moon?


Hi Domingos,

In this tweet from one of the members of the online INTEL community, he says the following:

“NASA confirms there is evidence of hidden water on the surface of the sunlit moon, symbol of the New Moon. Why don’t you tell the world what’s really on the moon? Or do you plan on keeping quiet about it? We assume you really don’t want us to talk about this. Okay, let’s be quiet.”

TRDJ+ x.com/ROYALMRBADNEWS/status/1320868121708797954

So, I ask you, Domingos: What is on the Moon that NASA hides from the population?! Is it the base of these Anunnakis, or Reptilian beings as some think of them?





Perhaps you may be able to publish my answer in order to reach them (NASA)?

The Moon is considered as a satellite of the Earth with little air (hydrogen oxygen), so to obtain water, if natural laws are obeyed, clouds will have to be formed inside the Lunar Sky and the precipitation of water through rains! And, as far as I know, as little as I know, there is no rain on the lunar soil, how then can there be water underground? Except, if this water has been forming inwardly, during these millennia of the Moon’s existence, which for me is unlikely! However, I am informed that the Moon has come to serve Extraterrestrials from various regions of our Solar System and beyond, as a landing site, as a kind of “space station”, where they draw plans, programs for visiting Earth and, at the same time, a meeting point between them. NASA has already published a photo of a woman found dead inside a capsule on the lunar soil!! This means that the Moon is really a place of passage and space landing. So, what is on the Moon that NASA always tries to hide from earthlings is the scientific and visual confirmation of the existence of extraterrestrial beings visiting us for a long time! I don’t understand why NASA fears so much to scare Earth’s humanity with accurate information about this existence? I agree that the American people were educated, and even forced, to fear the presence of alien beings among us, so to not unmasking the vulnerability of the American Military Defense and justifying the huge amount they receive to say that their defenses are inviolable and that not even mosquitoes would dare to surpass them, let alone the extraterrestrial beings who, for the majority of the unwary population and pay the highest taxes, are dangerous beings who try to invade their country!! In this way, the more NASA hides and creates suspense about this subject, the more you will find that they will gain the trust of the frightened American people!

On the other hand, NASA missed the discovery of the second terrestrial Moon, the one I was the first to announce in my books, called Clarion, which is a million kilometers from Earth and is not seen with the naked eye because it does not reflect the light of the Sun, but this one [Moon] does have miniature cities belonging to some planets in our solar system, in which its inhabitants live and make a copy of their original planets and, for now, they are not harassed by these “rolling” probes that leave Earth without knowing where they are going to fall and the damage they can cause!!

Therefore, NASA is zealous for the tranquility of the frightened American people and hides many truths!


Domingos Yezzi [Translated by Chris Breault]

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