Who You’ve Been

By Grandfather, through Robert Shapiro

Now it’s time to tell you something that I feel is important for you to know and that is simply this: Every human being on this planet now has been in previous lives, every human race upon this planet now, including some races that are no longer on the planet. [; who] Died out or were moved off from the planet to other planets in the past.

Oh that’s a long story but I will just say this for now. When you’re feeling slightly uncomfortable with whatever other race of being you’re thinking about or if someone is slightly uncomfortable with you because of the way you appear, keep in mind that fact I said: That everyone has been everything.

Now, I’m not trying to say that you’ve been a tree or that you’ve been a snail. Lets just keep it simple, in terms of your souls or spirits you’re not allowed to incarnate on the planet at this time nor have you been allowed to incarnate any time within the last 400 years if you had not been incarnated on other planets – alright – as all of the races that are on this planet.

Now the reason its happened on other planets is that, regardless of what you’ve been told you have not had thousands of lives here on this planet though you may well have had thousands of lives.

The reason you haven’t had thousands of lives on this planet is that this is a teaching planet and no one really has the privilege to go to school here more than once. I know that’s controversial but that is the fact.

I wish you all well and I know you’re not all going to believe this but it is so as you will find out at some benevolent point in the future.

~ Robert Shapiro

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