You Love Your Enemies Whether You Know It or Not

If you think you hate a parent, it is because there is in your mind, such a separation between yourself and the love for that parent that you feel. If you allow yourself therefore to feel the hatred, you will also experience the love. You do not hate those for whom you have no regard. They do not bother you in any way whatsoever. They are outside of your notice. You love your enemies whether you know it or not. You are bound to them, for in your mind you constantly compare them with what you think they should be in the vision of your great love for them and for yourself. Whenever you think you hate, you love. But, unless you allow yourself to feel the hatred, you will never know. If you hate someone, and you beat a pillow, and pretend you are beating that person to death, then, when the murder is committed, you will realize the great love that you really feel, and the death will be the death of the hatred, not of the person.

You cannot love yourself and hate your emotions. You cannot love yourself and distrust the reality that is your own. And, within the great affirmation and joy of your being, you can deny, and say ‘No’. For when you deny and say ‘No’ you are doing so comparing what you say ‘No’ to, to what you want to say ‘Yes’ to. You are comparing in terms of an ideal that exists in terms of love within your mind. If we bloodless old ghosts are not afraid of emotion, I don’t see why you should be.


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