Zetas Confirm Theft of the 2022 Election in Brazil

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As I shared, based on military intel information I read, the ETs Zetas now confirm the 2022, the 2022 election in Brazil was stolen!

What caused the recent outage on WhatsApp and Instagram? Similar outages happened in the past, notably a year ago in October 2021 with FaceBook and Twitter included at that time. A year ago, we stated that the Social Media outages were caused by the Council of Worlds, a message that the coverup over Nibiru and the election fraud conducted by the Globalists controlled by Satanists would not be tolerated. This year, following the stolen election in Brazil, the message is similar.

Notably the Social Media warnings are occurring at the same time as US Military transponders are being muted. Of course, a nuclear attack is not anticipated, but a New Madrid Fault Line rupture is anticipated. The populace within the US and Europe and the Middle East are not being warned, so are in harm’s way. There are plans to deny the existence of Nibiru even after this major plate movement makes it obvious that Nibiru is a near and present danger. Instead, there are NATO plans to blame any tsunami on a Russian sub.

This must stop!

~ ZetaTalk

UPDATES: 2022/NOV/02

The Zetas (channeled by Nancy Lieder) give additional information today, as follows:

Bolsonaro has a history of being a consistent winner with a 34-year winning streak. But as the pre-election polls showed this year, he consistently lagged behind DaSilva who was far more popular when he was Brazil’s President. For Israel there is a different story. The return of Bibi is not what it seems as Bibi is a Double under the control of the White Hat Alliance who removed and executed him. Just as in the US where Biden was removed and executed, while being a figurehead under the control of the Junta, these maneuvers are done to allow Martial Law to be in force on the sly. The public presumes this movie is real.


In my opinion, Lula is an implant, a fabricated figure, someone chosen by a hidden hand and given a false identity, including his “everyone’s” last name “Da Silva” (perhaps the most popular last name in Brazil), solely to sell this fabricated image attractive to the populace at the political polls in Brazil. But, in reality, he is just a puppet in the hands of his implanting handlers who use him to further their hidden agenda of enslavement of humanity under the disguise of socialism and many other ways. As I know this enslaved humanity is about to end, according to various ETs groups, it’s just a matter of time for this movie (theater) to end, either by the hands of the White Hats Alliance, or by the hands of Nibiru, which will not only transform Earth’s humanity but the entire planet itself as it will leave its current planetary orbit in sideral space. Learn more about this grand event, which occurs every 26 thousand years or so, in the writings of Brazilian contactee Domingos Yezzi or at the ZetaTalk websites.

The Martial Law that will be implemented all over the world, one country at a time (in Ukraine it has already occurred) is a maneuver by the governments under political pretext but it is actually associated with Nibiru, whose passage is being hidden from humanity at all costs to avoid mass panic. However, according to the ETs, this is a bad idea, because it is disabling the population from preparing and many will be taken by surprise.

Prepare yourselves! Leave the big cities (where the biggest and worst chaos will occur) and go to places far from the coasts, preferably mountainous with at least 650 feet above sea level. Stock up on basic necessities and get rid of excesses as much as possible, simplifying life to extremes. Collect seeds, buy solar generators and things like that, which make it easier to survive in the wild and without electricity. See here for more details on safe locations.

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